Fellesrådet for Afrika Meny
nov 24

Moving towards or away from gender equality in African countries?

24. november, kl. 18:00-19:30
Bærekraft UiT og Fellesrådet for Afrika
Facebook event

25 years ago 189 nations unanimously adopted the Bejing Declaration and Platform for Action, a historic blueprint that stated a vision of equal rights and freedom for women. But even though some African countries have made tremendous progress driving towards gender equality in some areas, gender inequality remains high across the continent. What progress has been made and what are the remaining barriers to achieve sustainable development goal 5 on gender equality by 2030?

Many African countries already have the legislation to ensure gender equality in place, but how can governments ensure that all these standards are accepted, fully implemented and enforced? How is gender inequality in African countries hindering some of the world's fastest growing economies and what will be the benefits of embracing gender diversity in the work towards overall social, political and economic progress? How has the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic affected the work for gender equality in African countries and what might the long term effects be?

In the panel:

- Alice Gondwe Siame, consulent for southern Africa for LO
- Rachel Issa Djesa, Associate profeesor at the Centre for Sami Studies at the University in Tromsø
- Larry Ibrahim Mohammed, wrote his master thesis about women, alienation and belonging in northern Ghana.

Moderator will be Hilde Hunnålvatn, advisor at the Norwegian Council for Africa


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