Fellesrådet for Afrika Meny
Afrika Nå 24.02.21

Internt fordrevne i Kamerun - hvorfor hører vi ikke om krisen?

Ifølge Flyktninghjelpen topper Kamerun listen over de mest neglisjerte krisene for andre år på rad. Landet opplever flere kriser samtidig; angrep fra Boko Haram i nord, en politisk krise i nord-vest og sør-vest og en flyktningkrise. Mange har flyktet fra hjemmene sine på grunn av vedvarende usikkerhet. Omtrent 1,3 millioner kamerunere er fordrevet. Samtidig huser landet rundt 435 000 flyktninger fra Nigeria og Den sentralafrikanske republikk på grunn av politisk vold og uro. Hvilke utfordringer møter internt fordrevne i Kamerun? Hvorfor er det ingen som snakker om flyktningkrisen i landet og hvem er det som bistår internt fordrevne i landet? Hvilke tiltak og løsninger må til?

Arrangementet vil foregå på engelsk. Zoom-lenke: https://zoom.us/j/96190214336

According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, Cameroon is “topping the list of the world’s most neglected crises for a second year running”. The country has been experiencing several crises simultaneously; Boko Haram attacks in the North, a political crisis in the North-West and South-West regions, and a refugee crisis. Many have fled their homes to seek safety as a result of continuing insecurity. Approximately 1.3 million Cameroonians are displaced. The country also hosts around 435 000 refugees from Nigeria and the Central African Republic due to political violence and unrest.

The African Migration report: challenging the narrative, states that "internally displaced persons (IDPs) do not receive the international protection that comes from crossing a national border in times of crisis”. What is the status for internally displaced people in Cameroon and what challenges do they face? Why is the displacement crisis in the country neglected? Who is providing assistance for IDPs in the country and what measures and/or solutions are in place for addressing the displacement?

An introduction will be given by Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh. He is currently senior associate and regional director for Central and West Africa at NDI (National Democratic Institute).

In the panel:

- Clémentine André is a monitoring expert of West and Southern Africa at IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre). She holds a MSc in Global Migration and a BA in International Relations.

- Gilbert Ajebe Akame is a human rights lawyer, activist and youth advocate. He is the cofounder of initiatives such as Contra Nocendi and Solidarity and Development Initiative (SODEI).

- Emil André Andersen, works as a VARP Coordinator (The Voluntary Assisted Return Programme) at IOM Oslo.

Our moderator for this event is Vegard Tjørhom, currently a journalist for NRK. He has previously worked for the Norwegian Church Aid. Tjørhom has covered several topics related to Cameroon.


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